Types of Vietnam visa and validity duration
The law no.47/2014/QH13 - issued on June 16th, 2014 - on entry, exit, transit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam took effect from January 1st, 2015. It prescribes the codes of all types of visa and visa duration for foreigners when entering Vietnam as follows:
1.Types of Vietnam visa for foreigners:
Form of Vietnam visa
- NG1 – for members of the guest deligations invited by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the State President, the Chairman of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister.
- NG2 – for members of the guest deligations invited by the Standing Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Vice State President, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Vice President of the National Assembly, President of the Central Committee of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front, the President of the People's Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General of the People's Supreme Procuracy, the President of the State Audit; members of the delegations invited by Ministers and equivalents, the provincial and municipal Party Committee Secretary, the People’s Council Chairman and People’s Committee Chairman of provinces and municipalities.
- NG3 – for members of diplomatic and consular missions, representative offices of international organizations under the United Nations and inter-government organizations; and their spouses, children under 18 years old, and their maids.
- NG4 – for working partners of diplomatic and consular missions, representative offices of international organizations under the United Nations and inter-government organizations; visitors to diplomatic and consular missions, representative offices of international organizations under the United Nations and inter-government organizations.
- LV1 – for working partners of committees, agencies under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, the National Assembly, the Government, the Viet Nam Fatherland Front, the People’s Supreme Court, the People’s Supreme Procuracy, the State Audit, the ministries, ministerial and governmental agencies; the provincial and municipal Party Committees, the People’s Councils and the People’s Committees of provinces and municipalities.
- LV2 – for working partners of Viet Nam’s social and political organizations, and Viet Nam’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
- ĐT – for foreign investors working in Vietnam and foreign lawyers working in Vietnam
- DN – for working partners of Vietnamese businesses
- NN1 – for the chief representative of international organizations/ projects of international organizations and international non-government organizations (NGOs) in Viet Nam.
- NN2 – for the head of foreign representative offices, branches of foreign businesses; representative offices of foreign economic, cultural, and other specialized institutions in Viet Nam.
- NN3 – for working partners of international NGOs, representative offices, representative offices, branches of foreign businesses; representative offices of foreign economic, cultural, and other specialized institutions in Viet Nam.
- DH – for people going to Vietnam for internship and studying purposes.
- HN – for conference/seminar attendants.
- PV1 – for resident foreign correspondents and reporters in Viet Nam.
- PV2 – for foreign reporters staying in Viet Nam in short terms.
- LĐ – for workers.
- DL – for tourists.
- TT – if a foreigner who is spouse or under 18-year old child of a foreigner who has been granted LV1/ LV2/ ĐT/ NN1/ NN2/ DH/ PV1/ LĐ visa, or a foreigner whose parent(s)/child/spouse is Vietnamese citizen, he/she will be granted TT visa.
- VR – for applicants who visit relatives or enter Viet Nam for other purposes.
- SQ – for the following cases:
- People having working relations with the competent Vietnamese visa granting agency abroad and their spouse and children or people applying for Viet Nam visa at the request (in written form) of a competent agency under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the host country;
- People having a guarantee diplomatic note issued by the diplomatic missions or consular agencies based in their country of residence.
2. Visa validity duration:
- SQ visa: up to 30 days
- HN, DL visa: up to 3 months
- VR visa: up to 6 months
- NG1, NG2, NG3, NG4, LV1, LV2, DN, NN1, NN2, NN3, DH, PV1, PV2 và TT visa: up to 12 months
- LĐ visa: up to 2 years
- ĐT visa: up to 5 years
Expired visa can be subject to visa renewal.
The visa validity duration is at least 30 days shorter than passport or international travel papers validity duration.
Address: Ground floor, 181 Dien Bien Phu, Dist 1, Ho Chi Minh city
Hotline: +84.888.500.500
Email: contact@vietnamvisaon.com
- Safe and secure
- Excel quality & credibility
- Swift Responses
- Competitive Costs ($18)
- 2 working days
- Money refundable for rejected applications

Vietnamvisaon.com is an e-commercial website that has legal right to provide services concerning Vietnam entry visa for overseas travellers. This is not Government website or Embassy website and we are not associated with the Government.
Our service allows you to get Vietnam visa approval letter, which is prerequisite for visa to be issued upon your arrival, in the safest, fastest and the most credible way without a need to go to Vietnam Embassy or send your passport away by post. Depending on different Vietnam Embassy worldwide, our processing fee can be lower or higher.
The special thing in our service is that you can apply for visa and get the visa approval letter at any time, even in time off, at weekend or on national holidays. The processing time can be within only 30 minutes for express cases. Our friendly, responsive and efficient supporters are only available for urgent needs.
Money back Guarantee for refused application: Most applicants can get visa approval letter; however, in case your application is rejected by Vietnam Immigration Department, our Money Back Guarantee ensures that you will get your money back.