Experience the stone-culture space in Phu Yen
To Phu Yen, tourists have chances to experience the unique culture of stone in this land with “everything stone”, which is expected to be unforgetable memories. Phu yen has been famous for its stunning and pristine landscapes. When visiting Phu Yen, tourists can experience the unique culture of stone and admire cultural heritages whose major material is stone. For this land, those heritages are special, valuable and important in terms of culture. The tourist attraction Ganh Da Dia is currently one of the most visited destinations of Phu Yen. This is one of the factors driving the tourism insiders to design a cultural tour around the land, together with other cultural values relating to stone existing in Phu Yen: villages built mainly from stones, Da Trang Pagoda (White Stone Pagoda) and Da Bia Mountain. Stone-culture spaceStone is associated with the daily life of the local people in almost every activity, from houses, pathways, piers crossing over ponds, to cowhouses built from stones.
Stone well (source: tourdulichphuyen.com) Coming to Phu Yen, tourists will have chance to explore the unique stone-culture space at coastal villages: Phu Hanh, Phu Hoi, Phu Luong (An Ninh Dong commune, Tuy An district, Phu Yen province). It has been a long time that stone is associated with almost all activities of the local people there. They use stone as a major material to build houses, drainage system, field edges, wells, wall, and many other constructions. Having been passed from generation to generation, this has become an inherited tradition of the local people.
A cowhouse built from stones (source:tourdulichphuyen.com) Many think that the cultural tour of discovering the space of stone is really attractive due to the cultural heritages’ own values and its natural uniqueness. However, it is needed to have more professional investment and measures to effectively carry out tourism plans taking advantage of the nature as well as the distinctive culture of this land in order to allure more tourists. Phu Yen Stone cultural heritages have special cutural values and are the hightlights of human cultural heritage in the central land of Vietnam. They contribute to not only the beauty but also the spiritual power of the land. Therefore, the conservation and promotion of the stone cultural heritages has been marked as one of the contents in the career of strengthening national culture in the modern society of Phu Yen province. Source: Vietnamtourism |
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